Moving Tips
Save Time, Save Money

First Things First
Remove clutter away from doors and hallways so we can move freely and easily.
If there’s one in your building, try to get the superintendent to reserve it. This will save time and money.
If we are not able to double park so that cars can get around us, you will need to secure parking for us. It is illegal to impede the flow of traffic to emergency vehicles.
Inform neighbours of your moving date and time and ask them to help by parking further down or on the opposite side of the street for that time frame. Ideally, we require the space of three cars.
Winter Conditions
Shovel the snow and salt the ice. It will save you time and money if we can move swiftly and safely.
To Save Money on Your Move
– If possible, avoid moving during the peak season summer moving months.
– Generally speaking, mid-month moves tend to have a lower rate as the busiest times are, of course, the beginning and end of each month.
– Visit our packing tips page for useful money saving tips.
– Call 514-660-7077 for more information, or use our free quote form for a quick reply!